1 About IScIDE2019
The 2019 International Conference on Intelligence Science and Big Data Engineering (IScIDE 2019) aims to establish a stage for introducing world frontier researchers to China and also introducing the increasing Chinese researchers to international communities.
This scheduled9th conference, which will be held in Nanjing this year, belongs to a serial annual meeting that promotes academic communication of researches on various areas of intelligent science and big data engineering in China and abroad.
IScIDE 2019 is intended to have a broad scope, including information theoretic and Bayesian approaches, probabilistic graphical models, big data analysis, neural networks and neuro-informatics, bioinformatics, computational biology and brain-computer interfaces, as well as advances in fundamental pattern recognition techniques relevant to image processing, computer vision and machine learning.
Submissions will be rigorously reviewed, and should clearly make the case for a documented improvement over the existing state of the art.
2 Call For Paper
Submission will be rigorously reviewed, and should clearly make the case for a documented improvement over the existing state-of-the-arts. It is planned to publish the proceedings withSpringer in their Lecture Notes in Computer Science series (final approval pending), and some outstanding papers will be selected to the special issues on the prominent international journals (SCI indexed).
We are pleased to announce that authors of selected papers will be invited to submit their works to one of the following journals:
Computer Vision and Image Understanding
Pattern Recognition
The Visual Computer
Topics Areas
Brain-like intelligence
Brain-inspired computing
Machine learning
Bayesian approaches
Deep neural networks
Learning theory
Cognitive computing
Neural computing
Pattern recognition
Computer vision
Speech recognition
Natural language processing
Signal processing
Image processing
Multimedia information systems
Information fusion
Information retrieval
Data mining, knowledge discovery
Biomedical engineering
Computational health
Brain-computer interfaces
Intelligent sensing technology
Multimedia information systems
Network and communication
Big data novel theory, algorithm and applications
IScIDE 2019 paper submission is now open at: Paper Submission Link
Following are author kits and instructions for submitting papers for review to IScIDE 2019.
It is planned to publish the proceedings with Springer in their Lecture Notes in Computer Science series (final approval pending), and some outstanding papers will be selected to the special issues on the prominent international journals.
5 Important Dates
Paper submission: June 15, 2019
Notification of acceptance & invitation: July 31, 2019
Camera-ready copy: August 15, 2019
Author registration: August 31, 2019
Conference: October 18 - 20, 2019
Magic of Nanjing
For more information about (IScIDE 2019) , please click here.
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