南方科技大学教授会(SUSTech Faculty Assembly)是学校为发挥教授在学校改革、建设和发展中的作用,体现教授治学、学术自治和学者自律的精神和原则,由南科大全体教研序列教授和长聘教授组成的自治团体。在教授会创立10周年之际,为让更多的教授参与到教授会组织的活动中来,也让更多的师生和朋友感受到南科大教授的风采,现特向全校和社会友人征集南科大教授会标识(logo)。
1. 征集投稿阶段:即日起至2023年3月19日
2. 评选和网络投票阶段:2023年3月20日至3月23日
1. 作品内容积极向上,无不良内容,不得违反相关法律规定,必须保证其原创性。
2. 所设计标识须与南方科技大学教授会有一定的相关性。
3. 作品应包含完整的设计图。优先接受包含图样、设计理念说明的完整设计作品,若参与者无力绘制完整设计图,可以利用草图+文字描述的方式将创意细节说明清楚。欢迎增添标识周边设计。
1. 请将报名信息提交至council@sustech.edu.cn,标题命名为“教授会logo设计-姓名(学号/工号/校外人员电话)”;LOGO设计图上传至附件(pdf格式,如多个文件请合并成压缩包,上传文件<20M),附件标题亦命名为“教授会logo设计-姓名(学号/工号/校外人员电话)”。
2. 若有其它问题可直接发送邮件至council@sustech.edu.cn或拨打电话0755-88010324/0755-88012890。
1. 作品一经采用,南方科技大学教授会将拥有使用、修改、宣传该作品的权利。
2. 南方科技大学教授会对此活动规定有最终解释权。
Dear collegues, students, alumni and friends,
The SUSTech Faculty Assembly, an independent body composed of SUSTech tenure-line faculty members, is committed to the innovation, construction, and development of the University through its spirit and principles of faculty’s academic governance, autonomy, self-discipline. In celebration of its 10th anniversary, we would like to invite SUSTech members and friends to participate in the SUSTech Faculty Assembly Logo Design Competition to promote the engagement of SUSTech faculty and sharing of scholarship with all SUSTechers and friends.
We invite design gurus and creative amateurs to participate with their ideas, creativity and enthusiasm!
Faculty, staff, students, alumni, and friends of SUSTech from all walks of life who care about the University.
Time line
1. Call for Contribution closing deadline: March 19th, 2023
2. Selection and online voting: March 20th to 23rd, 2023
1. The content of the work should be positive, free from harmful content and violations of relevant laws and regulations, and the design should be original.
2. The designed logo should embody the spirit and values of the SUSTech Faculty Assembly.
3. The submission should include complete design drawings. Preference will be given to complete designs with drawings and concept descriptions. If the participants are unable to produce complete drawings, they may use a sketch with descriptive text to clearly explain the ideas. Welcome to add the peripheral products design of the designed logo.
1. Please email the design as an attachment in PDF format or as a zipped file less than 20 MB in size to council@sustech.edu.cn, titling both the email and attachment "Logo-Author Name (SUSTech ID/phone number for non-SUSTech members)".
2. Contact us at council@sustech.edu.cn or 0755-88010324/0755-88012890.
Award setting
One final prize and three finalists will be set.
Activity statement
1. Once the design is adopted, the SUSTech Faculty Assembly has the right to use, modify, and publish the work.
2. The SUSTech Faculty Assembly has the final right to interpret the provisions of this competition.
征集官方网站:https://www.1zj.com/             官方微信公众号:征集网