Shenzhen Yutang Hongxing Joint Stock Cooperative Company, in collaboration with Shenzhen Graphic Design Association (SGDA), is openly calling for cultural logo IP design for Hongxing Community, Yutang Subdistrict, Guangming District, Shenzhen. The initiative is launched to better implement the decision of Guangdong Provincial CPC Committee on promoting coordinated urban and rural development through the “High-Quality Development Project for Counties, Towns, and Villages,” and to showcase the exemplary urban area of the Socialist Pilot Demonstration Zone with Chinese characteristics, establish a new public image for the new urban area in the new era, and comprehensively enhance the brand reputation of Guangming District. The open call aims to leverage the area’s locational, industrial, talent, cultural, and ecological advantages to transform Hongxing Community from clean and tidy to beautiful and livable, creating a new, desirable place for residents and businesses.
We cordially invite design elites nationwide to craft a visually unique representation for the future of Hongxing Community. This is not just a visual testament to the community’s transformation, but also a benchmark for urban renewal and community building.

Hongxing Community is located in the southwestern part of Guangming District, within the jurisdiction of Yutang Subdistrict. It borders Bao’an District to the west and south and connects to Guangming Science City in the east. Originally named Mabu (hemp cloth in Chinese) Village, the community’s residents all share the surname Zhou and belong to Hakka people. The village was named after the Zhou ancestors who cultivated hemp on the riverside slopes, where it thrived. During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Mabu Village served as an activity area for the Dongjiang Column. The martyrs of Mabu Village made indelible contributions to the revolution.
Relying on its advantageous location, strong development foundation, and abundant resources, Hongxing Community is further implementing the “High-Quality Development Project for Counties, Towns, and Villages” as a model community amidst new opportunities and trends. This collection activity aims to integrate Hongxing Community’s cultural resources and convey its unique cultural charm and value. By soliciting design proposals from the public, conducting expert reviews, and holding public consultations through standardized and professional processes, we aim to create a distinctive cultural identity IP image design for Hongxing Community, Yutang Subdistrict. This effort will help the community distinguish itself from the traditional uniformity found in urban design.
Open Call for Cultural Identity Design of Hongxing Community, Yutang Subdistrict, Guangming District

This call is open to design enthusiasts from all sectors of society, and encourages active participation of individuals, universities, and design institutions.
① 投稿作品创作手法不限,包括但不限于平面类或3D类(如为手绘稿件,请扫描后上传),需为其绘制三视图(包括但不限于:正面、侧面、背面),提交作品均为电子稿件形式,格式为JPG、TIF、MP4、Avi等,300dpi以上,作品大小应大于3M,小于200M,提交作品尺寸为 420mm*297mm;作品图片上任何地方不得出现任何作者或参与机构的相关信息。
② IP形象设计参展作品需提交黑白稿和彩色设计稿件,IP形象设计基础提交要素包括:标准字、标准色、辅助图形、标准组合等基本形象要素;应用延展包括:办公区域、周边环境、广告宣传、公共关系、线上线下不同媒介推广应用等。
③ IP形象设计需附上创作思路、设计理念、内涵注释等说明,200字以内;并按投稿要求填写的《报名表》及《投稿承诺函》(文末点击阅读原文获取),以邮件方式一并发送至组委会官方邮箱:SZ_GMHX2024@163.com。
④ 电子邮件标题格式规范为:“光明区玉塘街道红星社区文化标识设计公开征集活动+作者姓名”;在邮件中注明作者姓名、详细通讯地址和联系电话等信息,以公司或机构的形式请另外附上公司名称、公司简介、联系人等信息。
⑤ 任何于截止时间之后送达作品者,无论何种原因,均不具备应征资格。
⑥ 终评获奖作品一经录用,可以与使用方继续达成延展设计合作意向,协助完成光明区玉塘街道红星社区文化标识IP形象设计标准规范手册。
① There are no restrictions on the creative techniques of the submitted works, including but not limited to graphic or 3D designs (for hand-drawn pieces, please scan before uploading). Each submission must include three-view drawings (including but not limited to: front, side, and back). Submissions must be in electronic format, such as JPG, TIF, MP4, or Avi, with a resolution of over 300dpi. Artwork sizes should be larger than 3MB and smaller than 200MB, with dimensions set at 420mm*297mm. No identifying information about the author or participating organization should appear anywhere on the work image.
② IP image designs for the exhibition must include both black-and-white and color design drafts. The basic elements of IP image design include standard fonts, colors, auxiliary graphics, and standard combinations. Extended applications should encompass various aspects such as office areas, surrounding environments, advertising and promotion, public relations, as well as the promotion and application across different online and offline media.
③IP image designs should be accompanied by descriptions of creative ideas, design concepts, and connotative annotations, within 200 words. Additionally, complete “Registration Form” and “Submission Commitment Letter” (available by clicking “Read the Original” at the end of this article) as per the submission requirements and send to the official committee email address: SZ_GMHX2024@163.com.
④ The email subject should be formatted as: “Open Call for Cultural Identity Design of Hongxing Community, Yutang Subdistrict, Guangming District + Author’s Name”. Please include the author’s name, detailed correspondence address, and contact phone number in the email. For submissions from companies or institutions, please provide additional information such as company name, brief introduction, and contact person.
⑤ Submissions received after the deadline will not be considered, regardless of the reason.
⑥ Award-winning submissions from the final evaluation stage may collaborate further with the client to extend the design concept, assisting in the completion of the standard specification manual for the cultural identity IP image design of Hongxing Community, Yutang Subdistrict, Guangming District.
*Note: The organizers will arrange on-site visits and explanations of the project location. Submitters should visit the designated project site at the specified time as per the requirements.

活动免费 扫码报名
Free of charge Scan to register
🔽 截止时间 Deadline 🔽
August 31, 2024 (Time in Beijing)
(*This is the deadline for email delivery.
Late submissions will not be considered.)

① 人文性
② 艺术性
③ 可行性
*特别说明:获奖作品一经录用,需提供3D 场景运用效果图(不同动作、不同场景至少2个),并配合主办方完成后续延展设计的制作(如有超出原设计范围,费用另计)。

First Prize (1 winner)
RMB 100,000 + Certificate
Second Prize (1 winner)
RMB 80,000 + Certificate
Third Prize (1 winner)
RMB 60,000 + Certificate
Finalist Prizes (3 winners)
RMB 5,000 each + Certificate
Popularity Award (1 winner)
RMB 10,000 + Certificate
支持媒体:深圳特区报 / 晶报 / 深圳商报 / 深圳晚报 / 古田路9号 / 站酷ZCOOL / Hiiibrand (嗨!品牌) / 设计驱动 DND / Hi 新视界
Sponsor: Shenzhen Yutang Hongxing Joint Stock Cooperative Company
Organizer: Shenzhen Graphic Design Association (SGDA)
Supported Media: Shenzhen Special Zone Daily, Daily Sunshine, Shenzhen Economic Daily, Shenzhen Evening News, gtn9, ZCOOL, Hiiibrand, Design Drive DND, Hi Design

(2)投稿者同意获奖作品的完整著作权自获奖之日起自动无偿转让至深圳市玉塘红星股份合作公司所有,投稿者/作者需协助签注《著作权转让协议》 并办理相关手续。投稿者/作者保留对其作品的署名权。深圳市玉塘红星股份合作公司有权对获奖投稿作品进行二次创作,投稿者应当予以配合。
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咨询电话 TEL
征集官方网站:https://www.1zj.com/             官方微信公众号:征集网